
Candy Agate Mala

Candy agate formed as the lava from the ocean’s volcanic eruptions cooled rapidly billions of years ago. Named for its shape and colour, these masterpieces, honed by wind, rain and sand, collect the spiritual light of Heaven and Earth and are bathed in the essence and energy of the Sun and the Moon. Precious candy agate can beautify the skin and, if worn for a long period of time, is conducive to health. Master Jin Bodhi mentioned in a talk on 11th March 2017 that candy agate can help improve blood circulation, alleviate cerebrovascular diseases and it is best worn on one's neck. Master JinBodhi blessed this dazzling 108-bead candy agate mala to bring wealth, wisdom, longevity and auspiciousness.

More information available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

