
The Kindness of Strangers

Nowadays, the social media is so good and powerful that it can send a message across the world immediately and it is free. 

An 14-year-old autistic child, Ben, is very attached to a cup and only drinks water from it, since the age of two.  He was sent twice to a hospital’s Accident and Emergency Department for severe dehydration because he refused to drink water from other cups.  

Since the cup was wearing out after years of use, his father made an appeal for help over the internet and the posting went viral, with many people all over the world searching for an identical cup.  

The UK company which manufactured the cup nearly 20 years ago managed to find the original mould for the cup and told the father that they would produce 500 cups for the child by early 2017.  

The company spokesman said that 'We're confident that this production run, combined with the cups that have been sent by truly amazing people from across the world, will make a real difference to Ben, and give him enough cups for the rest of his life.'  

Such acts of unconditional love and kindness from strangers warm our hearts and remind us that Compassion is a universal language…

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1) Meditation and Health 禅修与健康

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook 金菩提禅师 脸书

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website 菩提禅修官方网站

