
Zucchini Noodles (recommended by Master Jin Bodhi)

Zucchini Noodles


Zucchini or courgette is one of the most popular summer squashes from the diverse gourd family of vegetables, and is commonly found in the Amercicas and Europe. Zucchinis are available all year round and are easy to grow in a home garden. Their light, refereshing quality makes them particularly appealing during the spring and summer seasons.

Delicately Nourishing!
This squash is extremely versatile and can be consumed raw or cooked. Zucchinis have a delicate flavour and are often lightly cooked with either butter or olive oil.

The pleasing skin of golden zucchinis is rich in antioxidants including carotenes, lutein and zexanthin, which help fight signs of aging. It retains its brilliant golden-yellow colour after being cooked.

Zucchini peels are also a good source of dietary fiber and aid in reducing constipation. This common but well-loved squash has more potassium than a banana, helping the body reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Zucchinis are a good source of beta-carotene and are often included on weight-loss menus as they are low in calories and contain no saturated fats or cholesterol. When eaten during the early stages of pregnancy, the folate in zucchini is beneficial.

How to choose
Biggest is not the best, as the most flavorful zucchinis are small to medium sized, picked while the fruit is still immature and less than 8 inches in length. Zucchinis with the flowers attached are valued for their sweet flavor. The flowers are edible and can add a pretty flourish to a variety of dishes. Bitter-tasting zucchinis should be avoided as they can contain cucurbitacin, a toxin that might trigger symptoms of gastrointestinal infection.

  1. Meditation and Health Vol.5 No.2 Issue No.15 Page 36
  2. Photograph designed by Pressfoto - Zucchini Noodles

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