
Wolf Pack Leader

When there is very heavy snowfall, the wolf pack sometimes become trapped in the snow.  Usually the wolf pack leader will dig a path out, and this may not necessarily be the easiest task among all!

However, once the path is opened up, the other wolves have an easy and smooth route out.  It is not obvious to those taking the path later that creating it in the first place was a most tiring and difficult process!

If you look at the picture, you will suddenly feel touched:

When you think what you are doing is difficult or even impossible, think of the person or persons before you who had opened the road and shown the way.

We should put all complaints, negativities and doubts that we may have as followers in perspective, bearing in mind the resistance and efforts the wolf pack leader faces is 100 times more than those of its followers.

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1) Meditation and Health 禅修与健康

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook 金菩提禅师 脸书

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website 菩提禅修官方网站

