
How to regain good health with weak constitution?

In this article, the editor would like to share with his readers on how a person with weak constitution can plan his exercise so as to regain good health.

Our daily exercise should encompass stretching as this can improve flexibility, metabolism and blood circulation. We should not exercise aggressively with the intention to sweat profusely. Rather, working up a light sweat is good enough.

The duration of exercise should be between half an hour to one and a half hours, depending on our body condition on that day. When exercising, we must observe our body’s response and stop where necessary, e.g. if we feel pain. Extreme exhaustion from exercise is not encouraged.

In addition, the editor would like to share with his readers a secret: Previously, he would feel breathless and pant badly just by climbing staircases.

Recently, he discovered that he can continuously climb two to three levels of staircases without stopping, and still maintain an even breath and climb with steady footsteps.

Friends who saw his improvement were surprised and asked him what he had been practising in order to achieve such a drastic change. Upon pondering, the editor concluded that the only difference in his lifestyle was his daily Bagua practice.

Bagua has many benefits. It’s easy and relaxing to practise. All we have to do is to bend our knees slightly, facing a tree and go round it with our hands raised.

We alternate, going eight rounds to the left and then eight rounds to the right. One hour of practice each day is fine, with the minimum acceptable time being 40 minutes.

Ever since the editor started practising Bagua, he discovered that he no longer feels extremely cold during winter; there is constant warmth in his hands and feet and he is able to clear his bowels easily.

Other benefits include regularly sweating to detox, and no more soreness and pain in his upper body muscles. Best of all, he feels that he is always full of energy. Bagua is an exercise that is suitable for people of all ages.

Reference from www.zhengjia.com

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