
Life is like a cup of tea

When we are drinking and enjoying tea, we are cleansing our mind and body. This helps to rid us of impatience and irritability. The process of drinking tea can lead to peace of mind.

As we sit in a room sipping tea and watching the tea leaves swirling in our cups, we should practice mindfulness and reflect that life is just like drinking and enjoying a cup of tea.

Drinking tea involve two processes, namely, tea leaves sinking down and drifting afloat in a cup of water.

People who drink tea normally do two actions: lifting the cup to drink and putting the cup down after drinking.

Hence, we should accept life for what it has to offer. Whether life offers us great or little things, we need to accept graciously what is offered. There is no point in us chasing after the ideal or what we deem as good.

Whether life offers us sweet or bland things, ultimately, what difference does it make? We should just sit back, relax and enjoy whatever life has to offer, be it bitterness, sweetness or blandness.

Just go with the flow of things. We do not have to take life too seriously. Treat whatever we are going through with a smile, for everything will come to pass.

Pain comes from taking things too seriously. We will feel happier if we take things lightly, especially when we are suspicious or feel hurt.

Life is like sipping a cup of tea; at the first mouthful, we feel that it tastes bitter but subsequently it becomes sweet and then finally after we swallow the tea, it becomes a memory.

When we sip a small mouthful, we let the bittersweet taste spread out and fill our mouth and throat with its bittersweet taste. Taking a deep breath, let the remnants of tea fragrance fill our lungs. We allow it to remove all our physical and mental exhaustion.

How good can it be if we imagine that the rain is drizzling outside in the night sky and we are seated in a warm and cosy room with a cup of tea by our sides and reading a book.

In the silence of the night, the fragrance of our tea fills the entire room.

The tea in our cup gets richer as it soaks longer in the cup.

Life is like enjoying a good cup of tea and we should not do things against our integrity. Every year, every season, every day, we should live our lives to the fullest!












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