
Learn to accept and tolerate

There was once a big goose whose stomach was cut by a tree stem, causing it to bleed. On meeting any other geese, he would show them his injury and complain that he was in great pain. After hearing the story, they would comfort him and offered suggestions on various treatment methods.

The injured goose continued to show and tell his friends about his injury and listened to their words of comfort. Subsequently, the injured goose died after his wound became infected.

An elderly goose remarked: The injured goose had indirectly caused his own death. When we keep on reiterating our injury and pain, we are constantly reminding ourselves and re-living the pain with each recount.

That being the case, we are much better off leaving the pain alone and allowing the wound to heal by itself in silence.

If a person is not strong internally and mentally, whose sympathy is he hoping to gain by telling everyone about his problem?

Regardless of how well other people comfort us, it is still not comparable to having the inner strength within us! Left unspoken, no one would know our pain and suffering.

Even if we were to voice out our problems, no one can bear the pain on our behalf.

Learn to accept and tolerate what we encounter in our lives with strong perseverance!





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