
Four-Arm Guanyin Bodhisattva Golden Thangka

The Ming Dynasty Four-Arm Guanyin Bodhisattva Golden Thangka

This Golden Thangka has a history dated back to 15th century during the Ming Dynasty in China. The Emperor of that time invited all the master artists to jointly create this exquisite masterpiece which was bestowed upon by one of the High Holy Monks of the era.
Since then, many high level Buddhist practitioners used the same Bodhisattva image to practice high level of Tantra. This Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva Golden Thangka has been passed down as inheritance for close to 500 years.
Many years ago, this precious artwork was moved abroad and when I first laid eyes on it, I could sense the overwhelming compassionate energy emanating from the Thangka. I was very touched and felt the need to prostrate to it. The Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva is the ultimate representation of all Bodhisattvas, its artwork portrayed the message of kindness, compassion and auspicious energy. Through the centuries, many prestigious practitioners had prostrated to it and hence, it accumulated very strong energy blessings as well.
For every re-print copy of Thangka, I would personally add my blessing seal and venerate it in the Buddha Hall in our centers for sincere chanting. I wish for all with affinity to know about it and through their sincere and heartfelt respect, be blessed and receive the energy. Each chant and prostration to the Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva reciprocates a sacred blessing from Guanyin and all other Bodhisattvas as well. The health, family, career and general outlook would greatly be enhanced and improved. No matter which aspect we evaluate this Thangka, its value is priceless.

- Master Jin Bodhi

Audio Translation: The Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva Golden Thangka
" The Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva is deemed as the guiding god of the snow filled Tibetan region. It encompasses all forms of gods and Bodhi enlightenment.
The Four Arms symbolizes the “Four Immeasurable Hearts” and the Four Types of Buddha acts: 
1. Elimination – Eliminate all pain, obstacles and trouble. 
2. Growth – Grow the karmic merits, wisdom, longevity, wealth, etc. 
3. Embrace – Save all sentient beings, lead them to practice Buddhism. 
4. Extermination – Exterminate all evil thoughts, overcome all external demonic temptation.

In this piece of Thangka, the Four Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva sits upright over the Lotus throne. The two hands gently clasped in front of the chest symbolizes the ability to fulfill the hopes of all sentient beings.
The right hand holding the string of pearls signifies the endless wish to salvage and help all sentient beings. The left hand holding an eight petal lotus flower signify peace with no worries.
Dressed in heavenly flowy gown decked with jewelry and gems, Guanyin Bodhisattva sits in a Vajra cross-legged position portraying a firm and stable meditative state.
Seated upright on the crescent-shaped pedestal symbolizes her compassionate and esoteric dharma powers. A lotus flower, a symbol of peace, embrace the pedestal. The offerings at the front display all kinds of treasures and rare jewels. Fresh flowers and auspicious clouds surround the image. The Buddha, Bodhisattvas, celestial dragons and dharma protectors of all forms and shapes gathered happily around Guanyin Bodhisattva, looking dignified and grand, with Bodhi enlightened hearts in unison. They are always ready to salvage and save all sentient beings from their sufferings.
The most outstanding feature of the artwork is the fluidity in the painting with many intricate lively details. Little but appropriate use of colors indicated the artists’ clear intent to render a hint of mysterious yet divine feel to it. The whole Thangka emits a light golden auspicious and splendid aura which is the artists’ intention to illustrate blessings from all heavenly beings. Whoever has the opportunity to appreciate the Thangka with gratitude will be able to sense and receive all the blessings of the Buddha and all Bodhisattvas."


More information available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

