Relief from years of sickness and obesity inspired family members to enroll for class which benefited them too!
Many people live with side effects after undergoing surgery to improve their health. This causes inconveniences and disrupts their daily lives. Fortunately, their condition improved after practicing Bodhi Meditation. As long as you initiate the first step and walk into Bodhi Meditation, you can create and witness the miracles yourself! Let us discover how Dharma sister’s Lixi Huang and her family members benefitted after coming to Bodhi Meditation.
My name is Lixi Huang. I used to suffer from many illnesses, which caused me a lot of pain and suffering. In year 2008, I had urinary incontinence and had to undergo surgery to repair the urethra. After the operation, I had serious water retention problem that caused breathing difficulty.
I had also already spent RM100,000 in weight slimming programs trying to lose weight but it was all in vain. In year 2009, I started having gastric pains and was taking strong painkillers to ease the pain. However, the pain always come back in full force once the medication effect was over. My health became worse by 2011. That year, I experienced perpetual giddiness regardless walking, sitting, standing or lying down. At times it was so bad that I was nauseous. From June 2016, I experienced intense pain on the soles of my feet and this affected my daily movements. By Jan 2017, I felt numbness and pain in my head and both legs.
In 2015, I got to know Bodhi Meditation through the Meditation and Health magazine. In Dec 2016, I registered for the 8.5-day Health and Happiness retreat. On the second day of my class, my fainting spells were intense. As I wanted to complete the entire 8.5 days, I connected with Master JinBodhi for his blessings. Shortly after my sincere prayers, my giddiness disappeared and never returned. There was no more water retention and I lost 6 kg! After the retreat, I persisted with my daily practice of an hour each of prostration, Energy Bagua and "The Meditation of Greater Illumination". By April 2017, I lost another 5 kg. Within 4 months, I lost 11 kg and my breathing became normal.
On 30th Apr 2017, I registered for Bodhi Meditation chanting class. On my way to the class on the first day, I discovered my socks were wet for no reason. Bewildered, I suddenly realized that the pain on the soles of my feet, my head and both legs were gone! This is a miracle! Within a short time span of a few months, thanks to Bodhi Meditation, I am free from my physical torture of many years and regained health, happiness and beauty!
My husband Shigang Zhu is 60 years old this year. At the end of 2015, a protruded growth, 4 cm in diameter, appeared at the extreme right of his back between his 8th and 9th cervical vertebra. Occasionally, the affected area would feel itchy and painful. Since the growth was very close to his nerves, he did not go for surgery as it is too risky. At the same time, he also did not take any medication to relieve his discomfort.
In April 2017, my husband joined the fundamental Energy Bagua class with my encouragement. On the fifth day of his class, he discovered that his growth had grown smaller. He was very happy and persisted to continue his daily practice of Energy Bagua. Now, the growth had shrunk to the size of a small rice seed and he no longer experienced pain and itchiness. He fell in love with Energy Bagua.
My son had also managed to get admission to secondary school after I offered a light to the Buddha, on his behalf.
Due to my menopause and the pain from my various illnesses, I was often irritable and nagged at my son. At times, I vented my frustration on him. Thistle created a lot of unhappiness and he would retaliate by answering back. He did poorly in examinations. In fact, except for English, he failed all his other subjects.
At the end of 2016, he sat for his primary six examination. Should he fail any subject, he would not be able to be promoted to secondary one. Hence I offered a light to the Buddha on his behalf for 3 days at Bodhi Meditation Center, hoping that Buddha and Bodhisattvas would bless him so that he can pass his examination.
Miracle happened! He actually passed all subjects and was successfully promoted to secondary one. My entire family was very happy about this. My son regained his confidence and became more
sensible. Nowadays he hardly talks back at me.
#BodhiMEditationTestimonial, #MalaysiaBodhiMeditationCenter, #LiveTestimonial, #LightOffering
今年 (2017年)4月,在我的鼓勵下,先生參加了4月9日的「八卦」基礎班。基礎班第5天下課回家後,發現肉瘤縮小了很多。先生非常開心,堅持走「八卦」。現在肉瘤只剩下小米粒大小了,也沒有癢痛感了,先生也因此深深地愛上了「八卦」。
因為各種病痛及更年期作祟,我的脾氣比較暴躁,常常嘮叨兒子,甚至會對他發火,導致兒子也常常頂撞我,學習成績也很不理想。每次考試除英語外,其他學科從來沒有及格過。 2016年12月底,上六年級的他即將面臨考中學,如果有一門不及格就不能直接升入中一。於是,我在禪堂為兒子點了3天燈,希望佛菩薩保佑他升中考試順利。奇跡真的發生,竟然每一門學科都及格,可以直接上中一,全家人都樂開了花。兒子也信心倍增,變得懂事了,很少跟我頂嘴了。
More information available at:
1) Meditation and Health
2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook
3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website