
What is Feng Shui?

In the past, I have been to many homes that gave me an uncomfortable feeling the moment I stepped in. I would think to myself, “Oh, this household does not have good fengshui.” The children or other family members of the owner would usually be in poor health, be unreasonable in nature, and do not have stable jobs or careers. In contrast, a house that belongs to a family of compassionate and ,benevolent people will have a peaceful and comfortable ambience, which will make you want to stay longer. These people may be poor currently, but their offspring will definitely grow wealthy with time.

You can hire fengshui masters to improve the fengshui and ambience of your home, but that good fengshui may not necessarily benefit you. In fact, it may only bring benefits to the next owner of the house. This is most aptly described in the saying “Good fengshui needs to be matched with an equally good destiny.”

There is a Chinese legend about a person who made seven special swords that were especially sharp and could shear all other swords into two. What do you think would happen if these precious swords were to end up in the hands of an ordinary soldier? Would he transform into a general? Let me tell you, if a sword like that was to end up in the possession of a swordsman of mediocre skills, his end will be near. Precious swords and fine horses were only fitting for heroes with exceptional skills. If an ordinary man is to come into possession of a formidable weapon, it will usually result in his early demise.

Good fengshui and great wealth are meant for people with sufficient karmic merits. Only heroes can ride the finest steeds and take up the sharpest precious swords.

Many large diamonds and gems were discovered in India. Of these, the largest and, most beautiful and most precious gem is the one that is currently sitting on the crown of the British Queen. She is both rich and immensely powerful, with the backing of all the British people, which is why she can accept such a precious treasure.

If the huge jewel was in the hands of an ordinary farmer, he or she would have been robbed and killed the very next day. An uncountable number of people have lost their lives because of this precious jewel. The deaths were halted only when the jewel landed in the hands of the British Queen.

Good fengshui goes well with someone who has good fortune, while great wealth goes to someone auspicious, because these people have good karma.  People become rich or powerful because they have sufficient karmic merits as the foundation.Compassion and karmic merits are the best fengshui that one can ever have.

#Compassion, #KarmicMerits, #20170618LiveBroadcast


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