
The heavenly law manifest justice

The heavenly law manifest justice; there is no way of escape.

Today is the 1st day of the lunar 7th month, an auspicious and friendly day.
Let me share with you a thought-provoking story!
It is a real life story from a Bodhi practitioner in New York. 

I live in New York—my name is Xiulan (a pseudonym). My family was very poor when we were growing up. My parents made a living from rearing pigs. Once, a female black pig gave birth to a litter of piglets. One of them looked very different from its other siblings. Its hair was all white except for some curly black hair at the belly area which seemed like the piglet was wearing a black belt around it's belly. Subsequently, all the piglets were sold except for this white piglet. Xiulan’s family tried selling it multiple times but was unsuccessful. There was a rumor going around: “Never seen such a pig before, it symbolizes inauspiciousness!” As a result, no one dared to buy this white piglet.

Xiulan had two younger brothers and she was the eldest child. Her mother was then pregnant with her third younger brother who was due for birth soon. After the birth of Xiulan's third younger brother, the mother thought of slaughtering the white pig for consumption since they were not able to sell it off and she was in her confinement and needed nourishment.

On that particular day, Xiulan’s mother sought the help of Xiulan’s uncle to slaughter the white pig to make stewed soup. As Xiulan’s uncle was preparing to slaughter the pig in the courtyard, her mother heard the pig wailing and screaming from the room where she was resting. She handed her baby, Xiulan’s younger brother, to Xiulan and proceed to help Xiulan’s uncle with the slaughtering of the pig. While Xiulan carried her new-born brother in her arms, she heard the wailing scream of the pig as it was being slaughtered and was so afraid that she hid in the room holding her brother tightly. Subsequently, there was only silence. When Xiulan recovered from the agony, she discovered that her baby brother was no longer moving and breathing in her arms!!

When her mother returned to take the baby from Xiulan, she was distraught to discover that her new-born had stopped breathing. Apparently, her baby died in his sister’s arms when the pig was being killed. This is such a tragic outcome...

As the saying goes, misfortune does not come in singles and blessings never come in doubles; hence, this is not the end yet…...

When Xiulan’s second younger brother was seventeen years old, he was an extremely intelligent, considerate, filial and good-looking son. Every night, he would prepare water for his parents to soak and wash their feet, prepare dinner and helped with house chores. He was an all rounder in all areas. Hence, though Xiulan’s family was not very well off, her parents tried to save money to send her brother for studies in Japan, hoping he could have a bright future.

Xiulan’s family finally managed to save enough money to send her brother overseas for study. All the administrative work for university enrollment had been done and the entire family was just looking forward for her brother to leave for Japan in September. As he was leaving in a month’s time, it would be his last summer holiday spent with his parents at home. Being a very sensible boy, he went to help his uncle harvests watermelons in his plantation. However, her brother never return from the plantation alive.

Do you know what happened? Xiulan’s brother was electrocuted in the watermelon plantation. When her mother heard about the dire news, she lost her mind on the spot.

From then on, Xiulan’s mother could no longer take care of herself in her daily life. She behaved like a lunatic and would run to the Guanyin temple in their village regularly to chant the mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva to repent on her past sins.

Therefore, this is the scary truth of the law of cause and effect. I hope that as you learn and practice Buddha dharma with me, it can help accelerate and increase your energy and wisdom, so you will not be lost in the cycle of karma (cause and effect). May you grow in wisdom and health, and enjoy joy and happiness!

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#20170518, #FBLiveBroadcast,#YouDontKnowWhatYouDontKnow#TeachingsOfMasterJinBodhi,#LawOfCauseAndEffect
天理昭彰,疏而不漏。。 。












#20170518FB直播、 #不聽不知道、 #金菩提禪師說故事、 #因果故事

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