
Drying the blankets under the sun

The past few days have been bright and sunny. It was a great opportunity to wash and dry the sheets and blankets at home.

After washing the blankets, I took them up to the rooftop balcony to dry them under the sun. I saw that I was not the only one. My neighbors’ sheets were already hanging on the racks. The racks were nearly full and I was almost unable to find a spot for my blankets.

Around noon, I went up to the balcony to turn and beat the blankets so as to remove any dust. Without bamboo sticks, I had to use my palms to pat the dust off my blankets.

As the sun’s rays shone down on me, I was reminded of Master’s Meditation of Greater Illumination. I decided to do some visualization right there and then…

As I spread my arms and closed my eyes, I imagined that I was the old blanket spread out under the sun. As the sunlight shone down on me, my entire body was filled with bright energy.

Before long, my whole body felt nice and warm. I visualized myself using my hands to lightly pat my body. Wherever I pat my body, disease and fatigue evaporated into the air.

After a while, I began to perspire. My body felt more at ease after that, as if the perspiration has had removed the impurities from my body.

The blankets soaked up the warmth of the sun that afternoon. As I covered myself with my blanket that night, I could smell the sun, and felt myself being enveloped by the warmth of the sun’s rays.



中午時分,再去給被子翻面,因為沒有竹竿可以拍打,便用兩個手掌按兩下拍著被子。 那同時,陽光炙熱的照在身上,讓我想起禪師的大光明,不如我就來觀想觀想...

張開兩手,閉上眼,觀想自己就像曝曬在陽光下的舊棉被,光芒由上而下照耀在身上,全身充滿了光明能量!沒多久,身上就暖呼呼的了。 再觀想拍打自身,拍打的同時,身上的濁氣,濕氣,病氣全都被拍打出來,像灰塵煙霧一樣消失在空中... 哇!真的出了一身汗喔!感覺到了出汗的暢快,身體都輕鬆起來了。 全家的棉被都曬的香香暖暖的,晚上蓋著還會散發陽光的味道呢!


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