
Listen More, Speak Less!

 Once, a messenger from a smaller kingdom came to China bearing four golden statues as a tribute to the Chinese emperor who was delighted. However, the messenger bluntly posed a difficult question to the Chinese emperor: Which among these four golden statues do you think is the most valuable?

 The emperor pondered over many options. Inviting a jewel specialist to evaluate its weight, value and workmanship, who determined that the statues were of similar value. The emperor got anxious as the messenger was still waiting for an official reply. So, in the end, a retired senior minister said that he had an idea.

 The emperor invited the messenger to the palace hall. The old minister brimming with confidence stood grasping four straws. He then inserted the straws separately into the four statues’ ears.

 The straw from the first golden statue fell out from its other ear. The straws from the second and third statues fell out from their mouths. The straw from the fourth statue dropped into its belly without making any further sound or movement.

 The old minister proclaimed, “This fourth statue is the most valuable!” The messenger held his silence as the answer was correct.

 This story tells us that the most valuable person may not be someone who is the most eloquent. We were born with 2 ears and 1 mouth suggesting that we should listen more and speak less. The yardstick of maturity is measured by a person’s ability to be a good listener.

曾經有個小國到中國來,進貢了三個一模一樣的金人,把皇帝高興壞了。 可是這小國不厚道,同時出一道題目:這三個金人哪個最有價值? 皇帝想了許多的辦法,請來珠寶匠檢查,稱重量,看做工,都是一模一樣的。 怎麼辦?使者還等著回去彙報呢。 泱泱大國,不會連這個小事都不懂吧? 最後,有一位退位的老大臣說他有辦法。 皇帝將使者請到大殿,老臣胸有成足地拿著三根稻草,插入第一個金人的耳朵裡,這稻草從另一邊耳朵出來了。 第二個金人的稻草從嘴巴里直接掉出來,而第三個金人,稻草進去後掉進了肚子,什麼響動也沒有。 老臣說:第三個金人最有價值!使者默默無語,答案正確。 這個故事告訴我們,最有價值的人,不一定是最能說的人。 老天給我們兩只耳朵一個嘴巴,本來就是讓我們多聽少說的。 善於傾聽,才是成熟的人最基本的素質。

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