
How to be truly wealthy?

"To become wealthy, one must first give."
Are we wealthy when we receive from others or when we give to others?
People who always receive from others are poor because their attitude is akin to that of beggars; always seeking from others. On the other hand, altruistic people are rich because their minds are magnanimous. Altruistic people will never feel inferior. When hungry and left with just a piece of cookie, he is still willing to share it with others. Such a person will definitely be wealthy and auspicious in the future.
How do we become wealthy? Buddha teaches us to give and make offerings. The more one gives, the more one receives. If a person thinks that he has nothing to offer, and decides to stop giving, then he is narrow minded. When a person says he has nothing to give, all divine beings who hear his words will respond to his thoughts and give him nothing.
One important principle in life is to give often to others. You will realize that the more you give, the more karmic blessings you accumulate for yourself. Does this principle make sense to you?
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