
New Year Resolution

[Promises we make to ourselves in the New Year] 

Be filial.
Promise to be more filial in the New Year. Filial piety is the most important virtue of all. We always think that providing for our parents is sufficient for their happiness. What we often neglect is the concern and companionship that they truly need from us. 
Be friendly. 
Promise to be friendlier in the New Year. Believe that everyone around you is someone that you have affinity with, especially friends whom you have known for a long time. Treat everyone with sincerity and you will get sincere treatment in return. 
Care for ourselves. 
Promise to take better care of our own health in the New Year. Get enough rest and establish a balance between work and relaxation. Watch our diets and get sufficient nutrients from what we eat. Exercise regularly to improve the strength and resilience of our bodies. Remind ourselves constantly that our physical bodies are the capital for everything that we want to achieve. If we lose our health, we would lose everything. 
Constant learning. 
Promise to dedicate time for our own learning in the New Year. Never restrict our knowledge to what we learn in school. That is just technical scientific knowledge. Hold on to the curiosity that we have towards life and knowledge. Proactively engage in activities that will enrich our minds as well as our lives. 
Be kind 
Promise to be a kind person in the New Year. Kindness is what makes us human. It is a quality that we must never lose. Regardless of what has happened to us in the past, we must never lose that intrinsic kindness in our nature. 
Remember your dreams. 
Promise to stay true to our dreams in the New Year. We can only be true to ourselves if we do not forget our dreams. Stay dedicated to our goals and never give up on pursuing our dreams. May all of us succeed in achieving all that we dream of in the New Year. Respect our past by remembering it; Welcome the future by not fearing it. Do not fear what comes - be it rain or shine. In this way will our dreams take off and our hopes be fulfilled in the New Year.

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