
Chanting for parents and ancestors

【Online Global Group Practice】 Chanting for parents and ancestors (Septemper 2, 2017)
Once upon a time, there was a businessman who wanted to dig a well in the vicinity of his home. He hired an expert to help him with it, but for unknown reason, it was never successful. Time and again, they dug into locations which should have water underneath, but all of them turned out to be dry wells. The businessman went to a temple one day to seek the Buddha’s help. The abbot of the temple took a look at him and exclaimed, "It will be very difficult! I can see one of your ancestors, probably your grandfather, cut off other people's water supply in order to irrigate his own land! There is no way you can get water easily now because of that!"

Actually, this is an action. An action will lead to an effect. Such is the universal law of nature. We need to understand every action will lead to a reaction. Such forces may pass on to us by our ancestors, thus affecting our lives.

Therefore, in order for us and our descendants to have a better life, we must do more charitable acts, offer light before the Buddha and chant with a repentant heart. The all-compassionate Buddha has great blessing power and can help us resolve many of our past wrongdoings committed due to our ignorance into auspiciousness.

In this Saturday’s group practice, let us discuss how we can transform our destiny through chanting for our parents and ancestors. I welcome you to share your thoughts and experiences here. You may even share articles which may be of some help to others.
May all enjoy health and happiness!

Official Website:https://www.puti.org/en/chanting-parents-ancestors-benefits-descendants-september-2-2017/
Tathagata Forum:http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=48690

#CauseAndEffect, #OfferLightBeforeBuddha, #MethodToChangeDestiny, #ChantForParentsAndAncestors, #OnlineGlobalGroupPractice

More information available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

