
What goes around, comes around

In compassion and blessings, "what goes around, comes around"

With every compassionate thought, we bring ourselves, and this world a gift of positivity.

Here's a touching story to share:
An afternoon more than 100 years ago, there was a poor peasant working in the field in an English village. Suddenly, he heard a distant cry for help. A boy had unfortunately fallen into the water. Without hesitation, the peasant jumped into the water and saved him. Later, it was learnt that the rescued boy was a child of a nobleman.

A few days later, the noble boy's kin personally approached the peasant with gifts as gratitude. The gifts however, were returned as the peasant felt that he had rescued the boy purely out of good conscience.

The story does not end here.
Of strong admiration for the peasant's kindness and respectable character, and gratitude for his meritorious deed, the nobleman decided to sponsor the peasant's son for advanced education in London.

Years later, the peasant's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London with excellent honors. He was subsequently knighted by the British Crown, and won the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He is Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin.

The nobleman's son also grew up. He suffered from severe pneumonia during the Second World War, but fortunately recovered shortly after applying a penicillin dose. This gentleman was the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Whether peasants or nobles, those who extend a helping hand to others in times of need plant a virtuous seed in the lives of future generations, and even for the country, as evident in this story.

As the maxim goes, "grasp the world in a flower, seek compassion in a thought ", it is no surprise that all occurrences are not mere coincidences. The world may be immense in scale, but also intimate in essence. Just as a rose can reflect an entire universe; a compassionate intention can fill the universe with magnificence.

#WinstonChurchill#Penicillin#AlexanderFleming,#Nobel PrizeInMedicine

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