
Meditation helps with weight loss!

Successfully shed almost 30Kg.
Many people do not lose weight successfully because they lack perseverance.
For instance, you spent much time and effort to lose weight and you managed to shed just a few pounds. Once you see delicious food, you cannot resist the temptation, and gobbled down two roast ducks. Two days later when you step on the weighing machine, you realized your weight returned to "square one".
Thus, without steadfast perseverance, one cannot succeed; likewise with cultivation and practice. To boost your confidence, let's look at a real life story of successful weight loss!
My dharma name is Qihua and I am from TaiChung.
For 15 years , I was plagued with negative energies as I had to care for my family members who fell sick one after another. Before this, my husband was the one who took care of the household. I lived a sheltered life until the day he fell sick. From then on, I had to be strong to shoulder that responsibility.
After 3 years, my body could not bear it any longer. Once, I accidentally sprained my spine while teaching my students and had to recuperate in bed for 8 months. To aggravate matters, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. My body collapsed with the onslaught of multiple illnesses. My weight increased from 54 Kg to 83 Kg. Due to the pain in my back, I could not sleep well every night and even when I managed to nod off, I would be awakened by the intense pain.
Thanks to the compassion of Master JinBodhi; he must have known about my sufferings and hence "arranged" for my colleague to pass me a magazine from Bodhi Meditation, “Meditation and Health”. That was how I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation. I signed up and started to practice Energy Bagua daily. During my first practice, my steps were lopsided. One hour later, my entire body was drenched in sweat. I had never felt so relaxed and comfortable in 13 years. That moment on, I was in love with Energy Bagua.
I would automatically wake up and proceed to the designated practice area for my daily Energy Bagua practice. In less than 2 months, I lost 8Kg. After some time, one hour of practice per day was not enough to satisfy me. Hence I decided to wake up at 3 am in the morning. First I would prostrate before Medicine Buddha, which I had enshrined and worship at home. Next I would practice Energy Bagua from 4am to 630am. After my practice, I bathe and take my breakfast before heading to work.
Because of my perseverance to practice Energy Bagua for more than 3 hours daily, my body started to lose body fats, like deflating an inflated balloon. My husband was shocked at my weight loss of 28Kg.
When I officially retired in Aug 2016, I stepped into Bodhi Meditation center and got to know Bodhi Meditation in greater depths. I realized then that there are many other useful meditation methods, apart from Energy Bagua; much like opening a treasure box with endless treasures within. I felt very happy and excited.
I signed up for every single one of the classes. My feelings and experiences varied for each class. When I saw Master JinBodhi for the first time, I experienced a feeling of kinship though I could not explain why. When Master walked into the hall, I lost control and cried. This persisted until Master left the hall.
Initially, I faced some obstacles when I wanted to join the class because I had to care for my father who has dementia. He needed help in bathing and cleaning himself. My siblings and I took turns to care for him and that Saturday was my turn. When my husband knew I wanted to attend the class, he offered his help for which I was very grateful.
What I took away from this class is Teacher Fayuan's sharing and elaboration on the key points of Energy Bagua. As I understood more, I was more comfortable in my Energy Bagua practice. Another point to share with all, is the revelation I discovered during my practice of the “Meditation of Greater Illumination”. When our heart and mind is at peace, our body will naturally aligned to be at peace.
(Note: The effects of meditation vary from person to person)
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate the withdrawal from, or reduction of the use of prescribed drugs; patients are advised to consult and follow the doctor's advice.

#八卦內功 #瘦身分享 #見證禪修 #窈窕美麗

More information available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

