
Secrets of beauty

Beauty Secrets – Q & A

Q : How does meditation enhance beauty?
(Actual case: There was a class participant who was more than 60 years old. On the last day of her course, her daughter came to fetch her for dinner. At the entrance of the center, the daughter expressed in surprise upon seeing her mother, “Is that really you, mother? Why have you become so youthful, and beautiful?” 
The elated mother replied, “ It’s me - your mother! I’m aware that I’ve “become” younger.”)

A :
In meditation, it is foremost that we learn to relax. When our body, brain, inner organs, and muscles are relaxed, the energy and blood circulations will be smooth. The meridians and blood vessels that were previously constricted would be restored naturally. With robust circulatory systems, our appearance – becomes beautiful; our brain – develops wisdom; our heart – gains a robust life-force. At the same time, with good physical circulations, we naturally experience health, happiness and beauty.
Thus, meditation can bring calm as well as benefits to our body, mind and spirit.

The most important reason for the beauty benefits of meditation lies in the development of compassion. As one practices, one gains compassion, and do not easily become angry and frustrated. With a gentler personality and stable temperament, one’s words and deeds naturally manifest kindness and serenity emanating from within - an innate sense of confidence and gracefulness - qualities that are beyond the benefits from cosmetic surgery.
Thus, meditation can enhance appearance, offering beauty.
Dear friends, if you wish to become beautiful, please come and learn meditation.

The beauty benefits of meditation are legendary. If you’d like to be beautiful, we welcome you to come and realize your dream.









More information available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

