
The Inconceivable Benefits of Chanting

【 Guanyin Bodhisattva: Inspirational Story】 The Inconceivable Benefits of Chanting

Chanting can bring inconceivable benefits, do you know that?
Let me share two stories with you :

There was a disciple who was of good character and also very kind. His father had passed away for more than three years. Since then, he had continued his chanting practice. Yet he experienced bodily aches in several places, including blockage at the heart and difficulty in breathing, causing him much torment!

As I recall, he chanted most fervently at one of the Medicine Buddha events. His thoughts were: He had chanted for over three years but why hadn't his father been liberated? He cried as he chanted and even after the event, instead of leaving, he continued to chant.

Later, our practitioners asked me to take a look. I did so and saw him crying in despair. Coincidentally, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas allowed me to witness the sight of his father climbing out from his place of suffering and over the wall to a white and illuminating realm.

The gods had come to fetch the father, who then turned into a ray of white light and left with them. I described the appearance of his father. He said "Yes", that's his father! Suddenly, the disciple burst into tears and said, "Master, I feel unobstructed and comfortable! I've never been this blissful and happy, after having been miserable for years".

There is another story:
Three years after her father passed away, she had repeated dreams about her father being punished in hell. Demons would use fire to burn his whole body, causing ruptures and bleeding. They continued until he was charred before throwing him into water. She came to asked me, "Master, can you tell me what is this dream of my father about?"

After listening to her, I said, "The issue with this 'fire' is due to past karma committed by your father; and the issue with the 'water' is due to water flooding his grave now."

This disciple called her brother to check on the father's tomb and found the tomb had collapsed and sunk. A gaping hole at the coffin’s corner had let water flood the tomb. Her father was really soaked in the water. They hurriedly called someone to repair the tomb.

A few days later, she dreamt her father was not soaked in water anymore, but the demons were still burning her father. She asked again, "Master, what can be done?"

I offered her this piece of advice, "..Recite and chant to Avalokitesvara for your father everyday.." She knelt and chanted for three days to Avalokitesvara for her father, three hours each day.

Three days later, she happily ran to me and said, "Master, I dreamt of my father again. The demons was still burning him. Then from the sky, water suddenly fell like crystalline beads of a waterfall pouring onto my father's body. The wounds on his body automatically healed. I also saw my father's face, and he had reverted to his healthy and happy 40-year-old appearance. I also saw the Bodhisattva waving her hand, and with it, my father drifted up and was fetched by a boy. Thereafter, I no longer dreamed about my father suffering in hell."

Having listened to these two stories, why do you think different people need different time spans to achieve the results? One chanted for 3 years and 8 months while the other for three days in order to liberate their fathers from hell? This relates to the issue of negative karma that I had mentioned before; some karma are light, some are heavy. Karma is not visible to the naked eye, yet it exists and influences your spiritual, health, life, work, marriage, and family aspects. It is not the least bit absent or lacking.

If you take quantitative as a metaphor to measure merits from chanting against negative karma, it's like the see-saw principle: the amount of karma has to be matched by similar amount of chanting to achieve a balance. Often, practitioners would compare why another's disease has recovered, whereas it's not the case for oneself - is it that Buddha takes better care of him/ her?

We have come to learn, to study the underlying essence on the nature of things. Once we understand the concept, we would not be misled by the appearance our eyes see. Having understood the truth, we also need to learn to accept, face up to it, and break free to transcend.
















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1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

