
You can do it!

There is a couplet:
Believe you can succeed and you will, regardless of the odds.
Believe you will fail and you definitely will, regardless of how good you are

Language emanates energy. When parents praise and encourage their children, they are effectively blessing their children with positive energy and this can bring out their children’s’ full potential;  Demeaning words emanates depressing negative energy and this can destroy the life of your children. Hence, I am adding a horizontal hanging scroll to this couplet: (You can do it!!)
Parents, please “gift”  this sentence to your children too.

The video illustrates how the use of same words when used differently can convey a very different meaning and energy.
In the first example, the words are used to scold a child for being useless due to his results being worse than his peers.This has a negative connotation. After rearranging the words, the comment now reflects his uniqueness and reduces the need for him to compare himself against others.

The words in the second example basically questions a child on why he is still unable  to answer a particular question despite his repeated practices and ends with the child being labeled as stupid. Again, the words are demeaning to a child. After rearranging the words, the statement now becomes encouraging - You are not stupid, you just need more practice.

Hence the way we speak to our children can influence their future and determine whether they succeed later on in life!

#PositiveEnergy, #MasterJinBodhiGoldenWords
Source of video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6v77wXpmIKQ

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